24699 Del Prado, Dana Point CA 92629

Music Lessons with Rachel Perry
Guitar, Bass, Piano, Drums, Violin
Employment: Danman's music school since 2010
Instrument: Guitar, Bass, Piano, Drums, Voice
Teaching experience: 8 years
Performing experience: Been performing regularly with bands since I was 13. About 500+ performances so far.
Recording exp: 1 official album released with Sailors of Neptune, plus many demos and EPs
Areas of expertise: Performance, theory, recording/production, advanced electric guitar technique and classical/flamenco guitar technique.
Styles of music: Rock, pop, classical, jazz, etc.
Short term goal: Complete bachelor's degree in music composition.
Long term goal: Become a self-sufficient performing artist and music producer.
Madilynn Tardiff performs "He's A Pirate" on violin with her teacher Rachel Perry at a Danman Kids Concert.
To inquire about lessons with Rachel, fill out the form below and you will be contacted shortly. For immediate service, call 949-496-6556
Include your phone number if you want a call back

Lucy Currier performs "Ode To Joy" on piano with her teacher Rachel Perry.